Facility Location

15642 Boyle Ave. Fontana, CA

Have A Question?

(909) 823-1595



Common Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help! Let us provide the answers you need.

We repair nearly any kind of hydraulic cylinder from single acting, double acting and welded rod cylinders.

System prices depends on the system and features. Call us for a quote: (909) 823-1595

We can convert almost any truck brand, we can give you an accurate answer during our quoting process.

No, we only sell the roll-off systems. If you need a container, we can help you get in contact with a container vendor.

Our current manufacturing lead times are 6-8 weeks.

It depends on the quantity and repair type. We can give you an accurate quote upon inspection.

No, we only selling the roll-off systems that we manufacture in-house.

Contact Us If You Need More Information

“Crafting Durability, Ensuring Quality.”

©2024 The HREM Inc.